GPS Coordinates for Tablet 12

The GPS coordinates can be used to assist in navigating to this location with the GPS item.

The GPS coordinates for Tablet 12 are 76.1 and 60.3, they have also been listed in the table below.

Latitude 76.1
Longitude 60.3

Teleport Admin Command for Tablet 12

The teleport command can be used by Ark server administrators to teleport to Tablet 12.

The command to teleport to Tablet 12 is below. Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button to swiftly copy the command to your clipboard.

Coordinates for Tablet 12

The X, Y and Z coordinates in Ark are used to specify longitude, altitude and latitude, respecitvely.

The coordinates for Tablet 12 have been listed in the table below.

X 82400
Y 208450
Z -13600

Tablet 12 Information

Location Name Tablet 12
DLC Scorched Earth
Type Tablet