GPS Coordinates for Mei Yin's Note 3

The GPS coordinates can be used to assist in navigating to this location with the GPS item.

The GPS coordinates for Mei Yin's Note 3 are 15.8 and 52.5, they have also been listed in the table below.

Latitude 15.8
Longitude 52.5

Teleport Admin Command for Mei Yin's Note 3

The teleport command can be used by Ark server administrators to teleport to Note 3.

The command to teleport to Note 3 is below. Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button to swiftly copy the command to your clipboard.

Coordinates for Mei Yin's Note 3

The X, Y and Z coordinates in Ark are used to specify longitude, altitude and latitude, respecitvely.

The coordinates for Note 3 have been listed in the table below.

X 20000
Y -273600
Z 1700

Note 3 Information

Location Name Note 3
Type Note