How to Use Spawn Commands


  • Press the TAB key on your keyboard.

  • Paste a GFI command from the list below into the console and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.

Search Item IDs


  • At the same time, press LB, RB, X and Y on the controller.

  • Enter a GFI command from the list below into the console and then hit the ADMIN COMMAND button.

Search Item IDs

Play Station

  • At the same time, press L1, R1, SQUARE and TRIANGLE on the controller.

  • Enter a GFI command from the list below into the command field and then hit the ADMIN COMMAND button.

Search Item IDs

Ark Item ID List

Type an item name, GFI code or ID number into the search bar to search 2081 items.

On PC, these spawn commands can only be executed by players who have first authenticated themselves with the enablecheats command. For more help using commands, see the "How to Use Ark Commands" box.

Click the copy button to copy the item spawn command to your clipboard.

Image Item Name Item ID GFI Code
Sap Sap PrimalItemResource_Sap cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Sap 1 1 0
Silica Pearls Silica Pearls 160 cheat gfi Silicon 1 1 0
Silk Silk Silk cheat gfi Silk 1 1 0
Sparkpowder Sparkpowder 107 cheat gfi Sparkpowder 1 1 0
Stimulant Stimulant 123 cheat gfi Stimulant 1 1 0
Stone Stone 8 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Stone 1 1 0
Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur cheat gfi Sulfur 1 1 0
Thatch Thatch 74 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Thatch 1 1 0
Wood Wood 7 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Wood 1 1 0
Wool Wool PrimalItemResource_Wool cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Wool 1 1 0
Woolly Rhino Horn Woolly Rhino Horn PrimalItemResource_Horn cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Horn 1 1 0
Blood Extraction Syringe Blood Extraction Syringe 44 cheat gfi BloodExtractor 1 1 0
Camera Camera PrimalItem_Camera cheat gfi PrimalItem_Camera 1 1 0
Chainsaw Chainsaw PrimalItem_ChainSaw cheat gfi PrimalItem_ChainSaw 1 1 0
Compass Compass 136 cheat gfi WeaponCompass 1 1 0
Fishing Rod Fishing Rod PrimalItem_WeaponFishingRod cheat gfi PrimalItem_WeaponFishingRod 1 1 0
GPS GPS 71 cheat gfi WeaponGPS 1 1 0
Magnifying Glass Magnifying Glass WeaponMagnifyingGlass cheat gfi WeaponMagnifyingGlass 1 1 0
Metal Hatchet Metal Hatchet 36 cheat gfi PrimalItem_WeaponMetalHatchet 1 1 0
Metal Pick Metal Pick 35 cheat gfi WeaponMetalPick 1 1 0
Metal Sickle Metal Sickle 376 cheat gfi WeaponSickle 1 1 0
Paintbrush Paintbrush 38 cheat gfi WeaponPaintbrush 1 1 0
Pliers Pliers Pliers cheat gfi Pliers 1 1 0
Radio Radio 140 cheat gfi PrimalItemRadio 1 1 0
Scissors Scissors WeaponScissors cheat gfi WeaponScissors 1 1 0
Spyglass Spyglass 279 cheat gfi WeaponSpyglass 1 1 0
Stone Hatchet Stone Hatchet 34 cheat gfi WeaponStoneHatchet 1 1 0
Stone Pick Stone Pick 33 cheat gfi PrimalItem_WeaponStonePick 1 1 0
Torch Torch 37 cheat gfi WeaponTorch 1 1 0
Whip Whip WeaponWhip cheat gfi WeaponWhip 1 1 0
Cloth Pants Cloth Pants 17 cheat gfi PrimalItemArmor_ClothPants 1 1 0
Cloth Shirt Cloth Shirt 18 cheat gfi PrimalItemArmor_ClothShirt 1 1 0
Cloth Hat Cloth Hat 19 cheat gfi ClothHelmet 1 1 0
Cloth Boots Cloth Boots 20 cheat gfi PrimalItemArmor_ClothBoots 1 1 0
Cloth Gloves Cloth Gloves 21 cheat gfi PrimalItemArmor_ClothGloves 1 1 0
Hide Pants Hide Pants 22 cheat gfi HidePants 1 1 0
Hide Shirt Hide Shirt 23 cheat gfi HideShirt 1 1 0
Hide Hat Hide Hat 24 cheat gfi PrimalItemArmor_HideHelmet 1 1 0
Hide Boots Hide Boots 25 cheat gfi HideBoots 1 1 0
Hide Gloves Hide Gloves 26 cheat gfi HideGloves 1 1 0
Chitin Leggings Chitin Leggings 27 cheat gfi ChitinPants 1 1 0
Chitin Chestpiece Chitin Chestpiece 28 cheat gfi ChitinShirt 1 1 0
Chitin Helmet Chitin Helmet 29 cheat gfi ChitinHelmet 1 1 0
Chitin Boots Chitin Boots 30 cheat gfi ChitinBoots 1 1 0
Chitin Gauntlets Chitin Gauntlets 31 cheat gfi ChitinGloves 1 1 0
Parachute Parachute 184 cheat gfi Parachute 1 1 0
Flak Leggings Flak Leggings 218 cheat gfi MetalPants 1 1 0
Flak Chestpiece Flak Chestpiece 219 cheat gfi MetalShirt 1 1 0
Flak Helmet Flak Helmet 220 cheat gfi MetalHelmet 1 1 0
Flak Boots Flak Boots 221 cheat gfi MetalBoots 1 1 0